The show will be held February 14th, 2014 at The Beachland Ballroom and Tavern but this is not a geared valentines day event, This show is highlighting the golden days of cinema and the iconic woman and men that served the this period of time that left such a mark on todays vintage revival.
When one speaks of icons as Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Veronica Lake, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn and Sophia Loren the first thing that comes to mind is elegance and poise as well as a splash of naughtiness.
" We are beyond excited about our upcoming year in production, We have joined forces with lighting, film and photography teams locally to make our production go to another level. This show is the kick off our our 2014 production year as well as the build up for our 10th year anniversary show on March 8th, 2014"
Let's Talk Cast!

Bianca Boom Boom a songstress from Toronto, Canada known for her burlesque signing and pealing acts. She has been all over Canada and The States performing at shows and festivals. This will be her first time in city and state.
She tells us of her love of vintage and who is her favorite silver screen actress-
The quality and beauty of the articles are much higher than a lot of what you can find now. The detailing is extraordinary. There is so much personally and uniqueness to each piece you find and you know it has a story behind it that you are continuing. There is also a very special, indescribable feeling you have when wearing a gorgeous vintage dress that not only fits you perfectly but that you know none else will be showing up to the party in! I love Marilyn Monroe!

She has been to a number of amazing festival from Chicago to Ohio's, She knows her history well when it comes to burlesque.
She tells us Why she loves vintage &
who is her favorite silver screen actress?.
I love vintage because I'm incredibly nostalgic by nature.
Things were made more beautiful and interesting "back in the day". Women were true ladies, and their clothing, accessories, hairstyles, makeup- all reflected that. I love vintage because it is part of our history, and being a huge history buff, I like knowing that there is a story behind my vintage dress or tea set. My favorite starlet is
Marilyn Monroe (of course)!"- Cherie Blondell

She is just simply ravishing on stage with that iconic smile, She has such and energy on stage that sets her apart for the pack.
She tells us Why she loves vintage &
who is her favorite silver screen actress?.
"I love vintage because i really enjoy how the style of bygone eras is so feminine, and still powerful. and you could still wear red lipstick every day without people thinking you were crazy! my favorite starlet is probably jayne mansfield or elizabeth taylor, such classic beauties!"- Doll Bambino

Is joining the cast with her high energy hip shaking and bumping and grinding, Her old school burlesque routines are extravagant.
She tells us Why she loves vintage &
who is her favorite silver screen actress?.
My love for the nostalgia of the old comes from my love of books and clothing, I remember looking at old movie stars in my country and seeing them with these amazing costumes and gowns. Breathtaking! When i looked into american vintage i just feel in love with Sophia Loren when i saw her.. that elegance and pure sex appeal! Love her!
Hosted by Abby Downton from London, UK!
The first 20 people get vouchers for
The Cleveland Burlesque Academy sponsored by Ambiance.
Raffle Tickets For The 10th Year Anniversary Burlesque Show
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Yelp Cleveland, Ambiance The Store For Lovers, Cleveland Music City, Jakprints, Subpar Productions
The show will be held February 14th, 2014 at The Beachland Ballroom and Tavern Tickets are on sale now 18+ $15.00 adv and $17 at the door with complementary admission to show in the tavern.
For Online Information www.ohioburlesque.com or 216-264-9965