I was introduced to it when I was in college, and as soon as I was able to I dove in and never looked back.
How long have you been performing?
I've been performing in general my entire life, I've been doing burlesque for around 4 years and circus for 3.
What does burlesque mean to you ?
Using a very specific genre of performance art to celebrate sexuality and self-love. It's unique in that sense; especially in the performing arts, it's very hard to find any form of expression that encourages you to love yourself.
Why Ohio?
I'm always interested to extend myself into other burlesque communities. I've heard great things about OBF and a lot of the performers involved, so I just said "why not" and submitted my application to see what would happen.
Describe your self in one word?
Kindofawesome. That's totally a word.
<3 Fonda Feeling